I have dreamt about this session for a long time. I kept telling my sister-in-law - "let me take your family photos while David is still so cute"; and after months (or years) of talking about it, Cathie finally took the plunge. We went to the Botanical Gardens in MtTomah. It was a gorgeous autumn afternoon. We walked around the park for couple of hours looking for the most colourful places to photograph. Cathie loves solid colors, her house has a lots of splashes of colors so I knew Autumn would be the best season to do this session; especially as we are planning a gorgeous wall collection to go on her plain walls. As we walked the sun kept coming lower and lower until we caught the last bit of it.
As I was editing those photos I could not get over how gorgeous David is. He is crazy photogenic and poses like a pro without even knowing. I love all of these images but there are some that just grasp my heart, make me stop and just stare into his eyes. How can a 5 year old look at you like that? It’s like he looks right through you. Oh Charlie and Cathie, enjoy every moment with your boy because children grow way too fast. Before you know it he’ll be too big to be thrown into the air. And yes, that has been captured for you too. Just keep scrolling :)

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