This post is long overdue as this gorgeous little girl is now 6 months old, and if you think her eyelashes were big when she was a newborn, well, all I can say wish you could have seen them now!.
When I first saw Daniella I immediatelly got smitten up with her. She was the most beautiful newborn girl - so dainty :) She was also very good to me, she slept most of the session and didn't pee or poo on me at all, just on her mummy (sorry Mum!).
And when her big brother joined us at the end of the shoot we got some amazing pictures showing sibling love :) I hope this is the begining of the life long, sibling love/friendship :)
Anyway, enjoy browsing through the photos and listen your ovaries go crazy, haha :)
8 days old Daniella :)
